Monday, March 29, 2010

Comic Redux

In high school I took a journalism class and we had to spend the first half hour of class reading the paper. Not wanting to read anymore then I had to in school I would immediately turn to the comics. Day after day I was overwhelmed with how shitty newspaper funnies were, and after the first week I started spending my time recaptioning them to make them actually funny. It's been a few years but here's my latest attempt.Being Scandinavian I've always been personal offended by how Hägar the Horrible depicts Vikings as pussies.
Brenda Starr reporter is basically an infinitely lamer version of Dick Tracy; it feels good taking her down a notch.

A Triumphant Return to the Blogosphere

I've been gone for sometime but have decide in light of my burgeoning viral marketing company I should return to the internet like MacArthur's return to the Philippines.
Not only have I returned, but returned with a new purpose. I'm rebooting with a more traditional blog. During the week I'll deliver whatever my brain shits out, but on the weekends I'll still deliver the same content the title promises. So prepare for a blog-stravaganza.